SEMINAR: 3 Cambridge Seminars, 2018: Educational Aims and Values through Architecture

SEMINAR: 3 Cambridge Seminars, 2018: Educational Aims and Values through Architecture: revisiting radical pasts to make space for broader visions of education

3 linked seminars on the theme of Architecture and Education will be held at the Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge during 2018, funded by a University of Cambridge Arts and Humanities Research Award.
Participants and invited keynote speakers will consider the role of the built environment in education and schools today – how it might “inform and shape and liberate the human spirit” but also consider critically whether it ever has (and if it has, how) so that we might learn from the past to inform our decisions in the present.
Each seminar will draw on a remarkable special issue of the Harvard Educational Review that, following the events of 1968, put forward bold and passionate proposals from some of the leading architects of the time as well as planners, community activists, artists and a child psychiatrist. Keynote speakers will help to frame the debate but the seminars will ensure plenty of time for discussion – we want to acknowledge challenges, exchange ideas and explore proposals that foreground architecture and design in creating a radical agenda for increasing the humanity of spaces supporting 21st century education, spaces that include but go beyond learning and attainment.
Dates & Keynote Speakers:
Tuesday, 20 March 2018. Dominic Cullinan (Director, SCABAL Architects), Helen Taylor (Director, Scott Brownrigg Architects), Crawford Wright (Head of Design, Department for Education), Michele Zini (Partner, ZPZ Partners)
Friday, 11 May 2018. Adrian Leaman (Usable Buildings Trust), Katharina Sütterlin, Susanne Wagner (Bauereignis Sütterlin Wagner)
Tuesday, 19 June 2018. Keri Facer (Professor of Educational & Social Futures, University of Bristol), Steve Higgins (Professor of Education, University of Durham), Thomas Markus (Emeritus Professor of Architecture and Building Science, University of Strathclyde), Ola Uduku (Professor of Architecture, Manchester School of Architecture), Bob Wallbridge (Design and Implementation, Hampshire County Council)
More information about the seminar series can be found here.

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