“Offbeat / Off-beam”
We invite paper submissions for our new feature that critically profiles objects, people, events or other phenomena that have hitherto been misunderstood, undervalued, or overlooked in architectural discourse. Papers might centre on vulnerable or unsung buildings, including the common or garden, the ephemeral and transient, the appropriated and the undesigned. Papers might otherwise focus on practitioners, educators, thinkers et al. who have made a distinctive contribution to built environment fields, but who have so far lacked chroniclers. “Offbeat / Off-beam” also foregrounds marginalised constituencies, overlooked events, publications and exhibitions. The feature gives space to subjects, objects and phenomena deserving of a critical champion — and a new audience. Feature lengths vary from c. 1,500–5,000 words; albeit we are open to alternative formats. Illustrations should be used decidedly as argumentative aids. References and image captions should follow the Journal of Architecture’s house style. To pitch a feature please contact Joshua Mardell (Co-Editor) in the first instance at joshua.mardell@rca.ac.uk If suitable, you will be asked to submit the paper for double-blind peer review through the journal’s submission dashboard. The feature will run indefinitely; there is no fixed deadline for submissions or expressions of interest.