News from the field

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Iconic Houses Conference 2014

Iconic Houses Network Annual Conference, 25 November 2014. Casa Milá, La Pedrera, Barcelona. Iconic Houses Network, established in 2012, brings together a great number of modern house museums from all around the world. These houses form together a unique presentation...

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Critical Juncture: the Work of Joseph Rykwert

Symposium, Victoria & Albert Museum, London. 22 February 2014. CICA, the Architectural Association and the Victoria and Albert Museum will organise events to mark the occasion of the RIBA Royal Gold Medal awarded to CICA President Joseph Rykwert on 21-22 February...

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Italy and the Nordic Architects

Giornata di studio internazionale / L'Italia e gli architetti nordici International seminar / Italy and the Nordic Architects Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, Roma, 14-15 Novembre 2013 Ninety nine years after the travel to Italy of Erik Gunnar Asplund, the seminar...

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Viollet-le-Duc: Resort and Private Architecture

Viollet-le-Duc (1814-2014) Villégiature et Architecture Domestique / Resort and Private Architecture International Conference, 9-10 October 2014, Hendaye, France [Call for Papers Deadline: 31st December 2013] Viollet-le-Duc’s birth’s bicentenary is registered in the...

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