Call for Papers
Crossing Boundaries: Rethinking European Architecture beyond Europe
Palermo, Italy, 13-17 April 2014
The International network “European Architecture beyond Europe: : Sharing Research and Knowledge on Dissemination Processes, Historical Data and Material Legacy (19th-20th centuries)”, chaired by Mercedes Volait and Johan Lagae, and supported by EC funding through the COST Action IS0904, is opening calls for papers for its final Conference to take place on 13-17 April 2014 at Palermo (Italy).
The conference will have the 6 following sessions:
“Transnational studies and cultural transfers” (chaired by Kathleen James-Chakraborty).
“Methods and methodologies: Writing the histories of Europeanimperial/colonial architecture” (chaired by Alex Bremner and JoAnne Mancini).
“Looking eastward, building identities. The architecture of European diplomacy beyond the Mediterranean in the age of Empire” (chaired by Paolo Girardelliand Mercedes Volait).
“Tropical architecture” (chaired by Ola Uduku and Iain Jackson).
“Architectures of exile: Visions and re-visions of the global modern in the age of the refugee” (chaired by Regina Göckede and Rachel Lee).
“Architecture as development aid: Modernization, technical assistance and the design of institutions” (chaired by Tom Avermaete and Kim de Raedt).
The deadline for proposing a paper (300-word abstract) is 1 December 2013. Submissions to the chairs of the sessions should be accompanied by a short biographical note (max. 150 words). Acceptance decisions will be communicated by mid-December. Please note that invited speakers are expected to submit their complete paper by 15 March, 2014, to be circulated among the conference’s participants. Speakers based in countries participating in the Action (refer to the website for the complete list) will be able to claim reimbursement of their expenses. A few grants will be available for speakers based in other countries.
For further information, please contact the sessions’ chairs or write to: