Architectural Histories
Architectural Histories is the open-access, international, blind peer-reviewed scholarly journal of the EAHN that creates a space where historically grounded research into all aspects of architecture and the built environment can be made public, consulted, and discussed.
The journal is open to historical, historiographic, theoretical, and critical contributions that engage with architecture and the built environment from a historical perspective. Find out more about the scope and aims of the Journal, the Editorial Team and how to submit a paper here.
Publication Awards
At each Biennial Conference, the EAHN Award for Best Publication is awarded to the best article published in the EAHN Journal Architectural Histories in the two preceding years. See here for a list of past recipients.
Samantha L. Martin

Samantha L. Martin is the editor-in-chief of Architectural Histories and a lecturer in Architecture at University College Dublin. Her main research and teaching interests lie in Classical antiquity, the reciprocity of the built environment and food, and the phenomenology of landscapes.
Associate Editor
Manuel ‘Saga’ Sánchez García

Manuel ‘Saga’ Sánchez García is a PhD Architect (PoliTo-UGR) and a Fellow of Garden and Landscape Studies at DUmbarton Oaks, specialized in Spanish imperial urban history, Islamic architectural history, and digital architecture in video games. Author of volumes like Granada Des-Granada (Uniandes, 2018) and Mensajes de Modernidad en la Revista Proa (Uniandes, 2020) as well as articles in media such as National Geographic History, Archdaily, and Bartlett’s LOBBY.
General Editors
Architectural Histories works with a team of General and Review Editors each serving a fixed term. A full list of current and past editors is available here.