John Bancroft Memorial Grant: £250 towards publication costs

Pimloco School EntranceDOCOMOMO-UK is inviting applications for the John Bancroft Memorial Grant. Bancroft was a leading modern architect best remembered for his school designs for the GLC, and notably for Pimlico School.
This grant of £250 is offered to assist early career scholars or full-time graduate students with costs related to publication of their original research in modern architectural history. Applications should articulate your financial need, the relevance of your research on modernism, and your publication plan.
Applications should consist of a one-page CV and a 500-word statement including:
– outline of work to be published
– anticipated timeframe for publishing
– publisher(s) approached (ie, journal, book publisher, etc)
– basic costings for publication
Application deadline is 15 JANUARY 2014. Please email your application to

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