Call for Application: Summer School Woven+ Reciprocal Woven Structures, Aalborg University, Denmark

Call for application for the Aalborg University PAD Summer School Woven+ Reciprocal Woven Structures. The Summer School will run from the 28th of July to the 15th  of August at the Utzon Center
The goal of the summer school is the development of an experimental 1:1 scale prototype of a novel system that sits at the boundary of the typologies of woven and reciprocal structures, particularly promising with respect to material and constructional efficiency.
Our focus will be directed on the joint development and on the design and manufacturing of an architectural body whose formal appearance is determined by the specific properties of the material in use and by the response to a large array of performance factors, using a Peformance Aided Design approach (PAD).
Finite Element Method, iterative loops, in-house developed Grasshopper plugins, physical models and digital fabrication will be used, while constantly looking and learning from the traditional culture of building in wood.
The summer school is open to students and graduates, and the deadline for sending the application for participation is the 31st of May.
For more informations:

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