Research Grants, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB)

Research Grants, Society of Architectural Historians of Great Britain (SAHGB)

Research grants may cover:

  • travel
  • building survey
  • photography
  • conference attendance

Research grants may not cover:

  • maintenance at home
  • purchase of books or equipment
  • secretarial help

  • The applicant must be intending to publish the results of his or her research or to present them at an academic conference
  • The application must say why the research should be funded – what is new?
  • Priority will be given to first-time applicants
  • No-one can receive more than two grants of the same type
  • Priority will be given to applicants resident in the United Kingdom or working on the history of the architecture of the United Kingdom, or any part of it
  • Priority will be given to postgraduate students and those within five years of completing a postgraduate degree
  • The grant must be acknowledged in the resulting publication or thesis
  • A grant will frequently be only a contribution towards the applicant’s costs
  • All grants are made and payable in sterling

Amount awarded
Individual awards do not normally exceed £500, but in exceptional circumstances can be up to £1,000. Receipts are required before payment is made.
To apply, email a CV, a project outline, a detailed costs estimate and projected start/finish dates to the Secretary by 15 April and 15 Oct; you should also ask two referees to send letters of support to the Secretary by these dates.
The Society wishes to thank the late Margaret Ramsden and other donors; grants for research into C16 & C17 architectural history are made in memory of the late Annabel Ricketts.

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