CfP: Architectural Histories: The Open Access Journal of the EAHN

CfP for 2015 special issue, Theme: Travel
Guest Editors: Davide Deriu, Edoardo Piccoli, Belgin Turan Özkaya
The third special issue of the Open Access Journal of the EAHN, to be published in 2015, will develop historical perspectives on travel. In recent years, there has been a surge of interest in the ways in which architecture is implicated in the spaces of flow that characterise our global age, as people, objects, and information appear to circulate at an unprecedented scale. While contemporary travel cultures have manifold implications for the built environment, they also prompt us to rethink the mobile conditions in which architecture has historically been produced. If we consider the mobility of techniques, individuals, groups, ideas, and images that informed architectural culture in the past, then the transformations we are witnessing today might seem less as a new development than as an amplification of historical phenomena. Whether it be a matter of ruptures or continuities, the complex relationship between travel and architectural culture presents a fertile ground for historical research.
This special issue invites contributions that explore the impact of various types of mobility on the built environment from a historical perspective. Research questions appropriate for this issue may include, but are not limited to, the following: How do different cultures of travel intersect the history of architecture? What can historical research on travel practices, narratives, and representations reveal about the development of architecture? What is the impact of migration on the history of architecture? How has architecture been historically implicated in the formation of tourist itineraries and attractions? What is the role of the formative journey in the history of the architect, and how has it evolved over time and space? How are contemporary forms of mobility, virtual as well as physical, affecting the historical values of buildings and sites? Contributions can focus on any geographic place and historical period. Papers that foster critical discussion on methodological and theoretical frameworks for trans-national and/or cross-disciplinary research are especially welcome.
The papers should be based on well-documented historical research that is primarily analytical and interpretative rather than descriptive in nature. To propose a paper, please send a 500-word (max) abstract and a 2-page Curriculum Vitae including address, telephone, and e-mail contacts to the editorial board by 1st December 2014. E-mail submissions to: editorial[at]
Abstracts will be reviewed by the editorial board. The authors of selected abstracts will be asked to submit their full papers to the editors, in English, by 15th May 2015. All papers will be subject to double-blind peer reviewing. If a paper is accepted for publication, the author will have the responsibility to prepare a final copy to publishable standards and to obtain world rights for illustrations. Publication is subject to the Article Processing Fee. The EAHN and Architectural Histories endevour to support authors financially in order to meet this requirement.

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