Long-term Fellowship Details for Fellowship commencing in October 2015
The Warburg Institute: The Warburg Institute is dedicated to the interdisciplinary study of the classical tradition – in the sense of those elements in European thought, art and institutions that have evolved out of the cultures of the ancient world. Its Library and Photographic Collection are designed and arranged to encourage research into the processes by which one culture learns from another and by which different fields of thought and art act on each other. They are particularly concerned with continuities between the ancient Mediterranean civilizations and the cultural and intellectual history of post-classical Europe, especially in the period to c. 1800.
The Institute is offering a long-term Frances A. Yates Fellowship of two or three years tenable from October 2015.
Frances A. Yates Long-Term Fellowship: Dame Frances Yates, who died in 1981, generously bequeathed her residuary estate to found research Fellowships in her name at the Institute. Fellows’ interests may lie in any aspect of cultural and intellectual history but, other things being equal, preference will be given to those whose work is concerned with those areas of the medieval and Renaissance encyclopaedia of knowledge to which Dame Frances herself made such distinguished contributions.
Eligibility: The Fellowship is generally intended for scholars in the early stages of their careers. Candidates may be pre- or postdoctoral but must have completed at least one year’s research on their doctoral dissertation by the time they submit their application for a Fellowship and, if postdoctoral, must normally have been awarded their doctorate within the preceding five years, i.e. after 1 October 2009. If their doctorate was awarded before this date, they should explain the reasons for any interruption in their academic career in a covering letter.
General Conditions: Those employed as Professor, Lecturer or equivalent in a university or learned institution may normally hold an award only if they are taking unpaid leave for the whole of the period. The Fellowship may not be held concurrently with another Fellowship or award.
The Fellow will be expected to participate in the life of the Institute and to put his/her knowledge at the disposal of the Institute by presenting his/her work in a seminar and by advising the Library and Photographic Collection. The Fellow may teach elsewhere during tenure of the Fellowship only with the express permission of the Director. The Fellow will be required to present a brief written report at the conclusion of the appointment. A Fellowship may be terminated if the Appointing Committee is not satisfied that the conditions of the award are being met. All publications containing results of work done with the aid of a Fellowship shall include adequate acknowledgement of the fact.
Value of the Fellowship: The starting salary of the Fellowship is expected to be £ 28,408 p.a. including London Allowance. Payment will be made monthly in arrears and is liable to deductions for tax and National Insurance.
The person appointed will be deemed automatically to be a member of the Universities’ Superannuation Scheme (USS) and will have contributions deducted accordingly. Once full information on the Scheme has been received, he/she may elect in writing to withdraw from the Scheme.
Tenure: The Fellowship is tenable at the Institute. The Fellow will normally be expected to be at the Institute full-time during the academic terms (which does not exclude the use of other libraries and archives) and to live within commutable distance of the Institute.
Selection: Shortlisted candidates only will be contacted in late January to invite them to send samples of their written work. Shortlisted candidates will then be informed whether they will be invited for an interview, which will be held in March 2015.
Applications: There is no application form. Applications should be made by email to Warburg@sas.ac.uk and following the instructions on the Warburg website here: http://warburg.sas.ac.uk/fellowships/long-term/
Closing date: Applications must arrive at the Institute no later than Friday, 28 November 2014.
They must be sent by email to warburg@sas.ac.uk.
The Institute also offers a number of short-term Fellowships of two, three or four months – click here for details.