Call for Papers: PHOTOGRAPHY & MODERN ARCHITECTURE international conference

Architecture and photography have maintained a close relation since the inception of the photographic field. Investigating the nature of this relations as well as identifying the fabric of their multidimensional dialogues constitutes an extremely rich field of research, one that has been gaining ever more relevance in actual agenda.
Starting from CEAA’s currently unfolding research project – Photography, Modern Architecture and the ‘School of Oporto’, Interpretions around Teófilo Rego Archive (FAMEP) – we are inviting the scientific community to explore with us possible configurations of those relations. We are, thus, welcoming any contributions on those relations emerging from the fields of Architecture and Photography as well as from their respective histories and theories.
Specifically, we are most interested in papers addressing privileged relationships between photographers and architects; papers that explore uses of photographic imagery and its associations with architecture; papers that investigate practices of architectural representation in their associations with photography or even papers dealing with the appropriation of the photographic medium by the architect.
We are equally interested in assembling a theoretical body of knowledge having for its foundations common arguments between architecture and photography – e.g. the cases of spatial issues or the use of light as a conceptual tool – as well as any case studies and different readings of architectonic and photographic experiments.
We welcome proposals for 20-minute presentations in English, which should include:
Title of the proposal
Applicant’s identification (name, institution, country, position and email)
Abstract (up to 300 words)
Short curriculum vitae (up to 300 words)
Proposals must be sent in Word (.doc format) by email to
Important dates:
Deadline for abstract submission – January 22, 2015
Notification of acceptance of abstract – February 4, 2015
Deadline for full paper submission – April 9, 2015
Deadline for Registration – April 9, 2015
Conference – April 22-24t, 2015
Conference Registration Fees: 175 euros
The conference fees will include 2 lunches, cocktail, coffee breaks and seminar package with a book of abstracts and conference proceedings (published in CD with ISBN).
Publication of the Proceedings:
Conference papers will be published in the conference proceeding CD with ISBN.
The guidelines for full paper are available in the conference site. To make it easier for authors the document for author guidelines may be used as a template. It is crucially important to know that only papers formatted according to the guidelines can be accepted for publication. The other condition for publication is that at least one author of the paper is registered for the conference.
Additionally, a signed “copyright license agreement” form must be sent at the same time of the paper submission.
conference website:

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