Visualizing the Invisible in Michelangelo’s Drawings at Casa Buonarroti
An online exhibition by the Photo Library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut
Curated by Costanza Caraffa and Mauro Mussolin
Online since 17.11.2014
Visualizing the invisible: with this exhibition we attempt to give form to some drawings by Michelangelo that are difficult to see in photography and even with the naked eye, at the same time emphasizing Michelangelo’s capacity to envisage the form before having traced it on the sheet. The exhibition includes figural and anatomical studies, architectural drawings, textual notes/correspondence, and urban plans.
Rencontres Jean-Louis Cohen Legacy and Perspectives
By the scope of his work and commitments, Jean-Louis Cohen has had a profound impact on the history of architecture and urban planning, not only in France but throughout the world. As a historian of architectural modernity, he has endeavored to study main figures, as...