Summer School: The Culture of the City (Ancona-Urbino, July 27 – August 5, 2015)

The Culture of the City: understanding the Urban Landscape
Ancona-Urbino, July 27 – August 5, 2015
Summer school promoted by Università Politecnica delle Marche Ancona in cooperation with the City of Ancona and the Port Authority
The Culture of the City is a central concern in the discipline of Architecture. The long tradition of the study-tour of artists and architects is evidence of the profound inspiration drawn from the historical city – the spaces, shapes, patterns, surfaces and materials of the urban landscape were faithfully recorded and retained in the sketchbooks of generations of architects. Italy was a favourite destination as it offered a rich selection of sites, from the principal cities of Venezia, Firenze, Roma, Naples and Pompei, to the small hill villages and towns of Tuscany, Lazio, Umbria, Campania and Sicily.
In recognition of this tradition, the Università Politecnica delle Marche promotes an academic network aimed to exchange methodologies and strategies for the understanding of the urban landscape. The project follows the founding workshop promoted in the summer 2014 with a team of five universities and a selected number of advanced Master students and Ph.D. candidates. The case study is the city of Ancona, particularly the lost relationship of the contemporary city with the historical centre and with the sea.
The proposed approach aims to build a broader picture of the city and to use this to assemble a set of proposals at various scales. The summer school will offer lectures by professors and by each student and discussions on a selected set of texts.
The visit to Urbino, which will follow the Ancona workshop, should be highly inspiring both for its historical townscape, and for the interpretations offered by the writings and projects of Giancarlo De Carlo.


The Politecnico di Torino was invited to take part to the Culture of the City Summer School.
We seek for excellent Architecture Master students and Ph.D. candidates to join the international group of 25 participants this summer in Ancona and Urbino
Candidates should send to
_a short cv with all their data (name address, birth date, attended course, phone number)
_a portfolio of selected works (2 A3 panels, maximum 5 MB)
_brief text (500 words maximum) describing their motivations and interest to participate
Deadline 20 March 2015
The Summer School is fully in English, it lasts ten days, including a study trip to Urbino,
on the topic of public spaces in the historical city and in the suburbs
1. analysis and approach to the city on different scales
2. histories, theories and readings of public spaces
3. short introductory lectures
4. short papers by the students
5. final exhibition and debate forum
The results of the work (abstracts of papers and design proposals) will be published in a short handbook. The participants will receive a certificate.
4 university credits (cfu) will be given to the participants
registration fee: 80 euros (including a boat trip)
accommodation: 250 euros; the participants will get a list of  fixed price restaurants (around 12 euros/meal)
More info at
Scientific comittee in Torino:  prof. Paolo Mellano, prof. Annalisa Dameri, prof. Luca Barello
Politecnico di Torino – DAD Dipartimento di Architettura e Design

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