Graz Architecture Lectures (Graz, 21 May 2015)
TU Graz, Rechbauerstraße 12, HS I, 8010
09.15 Stefan Peters: Begrüßung
Allison Dutoit (Kopenhagen): Cities for People
Ido Avissar (Paris, Versailles): LIST/recent projects
Matthias Böttger (Linz, Berlin): spekulation/transformation
11.30 Kaffeepause
11.50 Stephan Trüby (München): Architektur und Ökonomie
Ole W. Fischer (Salt Lake City, Wien): After Modernity? Preliminary Thoughts on the Post- Contemporary
13.10 Mittagspause
14.30 Alexander Hagner (Wien): Architektur anders
Axel Buether (Wuppertal): Gestaltungsprinzipien einer Farbensprache der Moderne
Wilfried Kuehn (Berlin): KOMUNA FUNDAMENTO
16.30 Kaffeepause
16.50 Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge (Berlin, New York): For a different kind of relationship
Gernot Riether (Marietta/Georgia): The Digital Design Build Studio
Russell Loveridge (Zürich): Collaborative Design Fabrication
19.00 Empfang Siegfrid Nagl
Lecturer, Ph.D. Position/Assistantship, and Postdoctoral Fellowship in Urban Studies
Urban Studies at the University of Basel is rooted in disciplinary approaches of architecture, geography, anthropology, social and political theory, and history, and oriented towards global Southern and postcolonial questions. With a regional focus on Africa, Europe,...