Graz Architecture Lectures (Graz, 21 May 2015)
TU Graz, Rechbauerstraße 12, HS I, 8010
09.15 Stefan Peters: Begrüßung
Allison Dutoit (Kopenhagen): Cities for People
Ido Avissar (Paris, Versailles): LIST/recent projects
Matthias Böttger (Linz, Berlin): spekulation/transformation
11.30 Kaffeepause
11.50 Stephan Trüby (München): Architektur und Ökonomie
Ole W. Fischer (Salt Lake City, Wien): After Modernity? Preliminary Thoughts on the Post- Contemporary
13.10 Mittagspause
14.30 Alexander Hagner (Wien): Architektur anders
Axel Buether (Wuppertal): Gestaltungsprinzipien einer Farbensprache der Moderne
Wilfried Kuehn (Berlin): KOMUNA FUNDAMENTO
16.30 Kaffeepause
16.50 Johanna Meyer-Grohbrügge (Berlin, New York): For a different kind of relationship
Gernot Riether (Marietta/Georgia): The Digital Design Build Studio
Russell Loveridge (Zürich): Collaborative Design Fabrication
19.00 Empfang Siegfrid Nagl
Professor of Practice in the Arts (Associate or Full) – Architectural Design/Theory
Description The Department of Art History at the University of Chicago invites applications for a position as Professor of Practice in the Arts (Associate or Full) in Architectural Design/Theory and related areas. The expected start date of the position is July 1,...