Lecture: “Architecture for All: English Baroque” — 7 May 2015
Venue & Time: Room 080 Queen Anne Building, University of Greenwich. 18.30 – 20.00
Price: £5 Adult, £3 ORNC Angel
Description: Dan Cruickshank opens the season with a talk exploring the notion of the ‘English baroque’ and the work of those architects, including Nicholas Hawksmoor (1661-1736) and Thomas Archer (1668-1743), whose distinct, original and sometimes idiosyncratic creations are associated with this unique strand of European architecture.
For more information: http://www.ornc.org/events/detail/architecture-for-all-english-baroque
Architecture and the Power of Bureaucracy
The term "bureaucracy" refers to the organisation of people, processes, and to paperwork. Bureaucracy is often used as a synonym for inefficiency and disinterest, as the so-called "fifth form of rule by irresponsible officials who are not at risk" (Männle 2023)....