or project, and the project’s relevance to the resources of Dumbarton Oaks. We place great value on the collegial engagement of Fellows with one another and with the staff.
Application deadline: November 1
Application and instructions are available online at http://www.doaks.org/research/ fellowships-and-grants/fellowship-terms
Junior fellowships are awarded to degree candidates who at the time of appli- cation have fulfilled all preliminary requirements for a PhD, or appropriate final degree, and plan to work on a dissertation or final project while at Dumbarton Oaks, under the direction of a faculty member from their own university.
Summer fellowships are awarded to scholars on any level beyond the first year of graduate (post-baccalaureate) study.
Mellon fellowships, a new initiative in Urban Landscape Studies, are offered by the Garden and Landscape Studies program, and are intended for scholars and designers to pursue research on the history and current condi- tions of urban landscapes. Mellon Fellowships are governed by unique terms, and applications are due February 1. You may learn more about this opportu- nity at http://www.doaks.org/research/fellowships-and-grants/fellowships/ mellon-fellowships-in-urban-landscape-studies