Exhibition: "Spettacolo barocco! Theatre's Triumph" (Vienna, 3 March 2016 – 30 January 2017)

“Spettacolo barocco!  Theatre’s Triumph”

Theatermuseum, Vienna, 3 March 2016 – 30 January 2017

No other art form than theatre was more suitable to translate the spectacular show effects of the Baroque era. The sovereigns of the 17th and 18th century knew how to stage themselves with theatrical processions, grand opera performances and opulent horse ballets. Innovative artists created the designs, unparalleled until today.
The Theatermuseum holds numerous works of those illusionist masters and presents some of them for the first time: the artworks range from quick sketches to stupendously worked out colourful presentation folios; in addition exceptional loans – among them original costumes and stage wings from the Baroque theatre of the castle of Český Krumlov.

The exhibition was curated by Daniela Franke, Rudi Risatti, Andrea Sommer-Mathis and Alexandra Steiner-Strauss and designed by BLAICH + DELUGAN.


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