Interiorities: artistic, conceptual and historical reassessments of the interior
Deadline for article proposals: end of October 31, 2016
Final deadline for full submissions: February 2017
Guest editor: Dr Vlad Ionescu (Faculty of Architecture and Art, Hasselt University, Belgium)
Palgrave Communications is inviting article proposals for a collection dedicated to the theme of ‘Interiority and the Interior’. The
collection addresses Interiority as a concept debated by artists and philosophers, historians and sociologists alike. From Augustine to
Montaigne, from the monk’s cell to the Renaissance studiolo, the artist’s studio and the modern library, the interior has provided
subjectivity with a protective layer that defined one’s identity and its relation to the world. The goal of this interdisciplinary
collection is to approach interiority and the interior as relational entities that interact with architectural spaces, visual arts and
music, social and political ideologies, geographical and historical structures. How does the interior – of mankind, of the earth, of architecture – affect identity, its historical, cultural and artistic representation? How do we think of the interior other than as Cartesian solipsism or as a volatile architectural decorum? How does the Earth’s interior relate to the world we experience every day? We welcome contributions that address the interior as an opportunity to research the status of the subjectivity in modernity and beyond. Just as the façade relates a building to the public space and betrays something of its interior structure, the interior is hereby approached as a space that mediates between the psyche, its history and its impact onto the world.
Articles exploring the following themes and other adjacent issues are encouraged:
• The interior and interiority in architectural theory and history;
• The interior in visual arts (painting, film, photography) and music;
• Interiority and subjectivity in philosophy;
• Psychogeography and interiority;
• Interior design and its history;
• Cross-cultural anthropological analyses of interiority;
• Geographical study of (the earth’s) interiority.
Article proposals and enquires should be sent to the Managing Editor at
For more information about the collection:
About open access:
Support for authors lacking open access funding
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