CALL FOR SESSIONS AND ROUND-TABLES / Submission deadline 12 December 2016
Scholars wishing to chair a scholarly session or round-table debate at Tallinn 2018 are invited to submit proposals by DECEMBER 12, 2016 to Dr. Andres Kurg, General Chair of the EAHN Fifth International Meeting, Institute of Art History and Visual Culture, Estonian Academy of Arts, Suur-Kloostri 11, Tallinn 10133, Estonia.
Proposals in English, of no more than 400 words, including a session or round-table title, should summarise the subject and the premise.
Please include name, professional affiliation (if applicable), address, telephone, e-mail address and a current CV.
Proposals and short CVs should be submitted by e-mail, including the texts in both the body of the mail and as attachments.
The full call for sessions can be downloaded here.