Architectural painting in the 16th and 17th century
Colloquium organized in conjunction with the exhibition Divine Interiors held at the Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Antwerp until October 16th.
Antwerp, Rubenianum, October 10, 2016
Registration deadline: October 5, 2016
08.45 Registration and coffee
09.30 Welcome by Dr. Claire Baisier, director Museum Mayer van den Bergh
Morning session
chair: Prof. em. Dr. Hans Vlieghe, Centrum Rubenianum
09.45 Dr. Thomas Fusenig (Universität Münster)
Hans Vredeman de Vries as painter of illusionistic wall paintings in Antwerp
10.10 Dr. Anna Koopstra (National Gallery, London)
New insights on Hendrik van Steenwijck the Younger’s use of prints as sources.
10.35 Dr. Joost Van der Auwera (Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium) & Dr. Claire Baisier (Museum Mayer van den Bergh)
Sebastiaen Vrancx als architectuurschilder: nieuwe toeschrijvingen
11.00 Coffee break
11.30 Bernard Vermet (Stichting Cultuur Inventarisatie, Amsterdam)
Bartholomeus van Bassen, tussen Noord en Zuid
11.55 Lorne Darnell (Leiden University)
An Uncanny Likeness: Pieter Saenredam, Hans Vredeman de Vries and the Gothic in Perspective
12.20 Questions and discussion
12.30 Lunch break
Afternoon session
chair: Véronique Van de Kerckhof, Rubenianum
14.00 Dr. Almut Pollmer-Schmidt (Städel Museum, Frankfurt)
Antwerpen, Frankfurt, Delft. Kircheninterieurs als Medien des konfessionellen Diskurses
14.25 Rutger Steenmeijer (architect, Antwerpen)
Architectuurschilderkunst en de restauratie van monumentale kerken in Antwerpen
14.50 Lotte Gielen & Jeroen van Omme (Mindscape 3D)
De mogelijkheden van 3D en virtuele realiteit in publiekswerking
15.15 Questions and discussion
15.30 Coffee break
16.00 Speakers’ corner (short presentations)
Dr. Wolfgang Cilleßen (Historisches Museum Frankfurt)
Kerkinterieurs uit Frankfurt: de zaak Johann Ludwig Ernst Morgenstern
Dr. Bernd Ebert (Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen München)
A church interior by Jacobus Vrel
16.15 Questions and discussion
16.30 Closing remarks by Véronique Van de Kerckhof, director Rubenianum
Lasting perspectives for the research on church interior painting in Antwerp. Announcing the promised gift of the documentation of Mr.
Bernard Maillet to the Rubenianum
17.00 Visit of the exhibition Divine Interiors. Experience churches in the age of Rubens, Museum Mayer van den Bergh, Lange Gasthuisstraat 19, 2000 Antwerpen
Information: or e-mail to
Registration is mandatory and open until October 5, 2016.
Registration fee includes: coffee, refreshments breaks, lunch and visit to the exhibition ‘Divine Interiors’ in Museum Mayer van den Bergh.
Full price: € 40,00
Student (with valid student card only): € 20,00
Payment: via bank transfer to account number (IBAN) BE42 4097 5857
0154, BIC (SWIFT) code KREDBEBB of vzw Antwerpen Kunstenstad, quoting:
“Divine Interiors + name & first name”.
Registration is final once your fee has been paid.
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