Professor Konrad Ottenheym
“The Classicist Triangle: Vicenzo Scamozzi, Inigo Jones and Constantijn Huygens and the exchange of architectural thinking in the early 17th century”
Monday 17 October 2016 at 18:15pm
The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, The Strand, London
This year’s annual lecture will be given by Konrad Ottenheym. He is professor of Architectural History in the Department of History and Art History of Utrecht University and the Director of the Dutch Postgraduate School for Art History (Onderzoekschool Kunstgeschiedenis). In 2010, he was elected a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). He is also a member of the steering committee of the ESF research network PALATIUM, and member of the advisory board of the Residenzen-Kommission of the Academy of Sciences in Göttingen (Germany).
Ottenheym is a specialist on Dutch seventeenth-century architecture, its sources in the Italian Renaissance and its influence in Europe. He contributed to various architectural exhibitions in Hamburg (Germany), Vicenza (Italy) and Washington, DC as well as in the royal palace of Amsterdam. He is author of various monographs on Dutch architects of the Golden Age, such as Philips Vingboons, Pieter Post (with Jan Terwen) and Jacob van Campen (with others), and also wrote on the influence of Italian architectural treatises in seventeenth-century Dutch architecture. He co-operated in the recent English editions of Vincenzo Scamozzi’s treatise L’Idea della architettura universale, the main handbook on classical design theories in seventeenth-century Holland (Architectura et Natura Publishers, 2004 and 2007). In 2006 and 2008 he organized two international conferences on public buildings in early modern Europe, with the proceedings published in one volume by Brepols Publishers in 2010. In recent years he wrote and coordinated, together with Krista De Jonge (Leuven University), a survey on the international activities of Netherlandish building masters during the sixteenth and seventeenth century.
Drinks will be served in the foyer from 5.30pm. Tickets, priced £10.00, (£4.00 registered students).
Lecturer, Ph.D. Position/Assistantship, and Postdoctoral Fellowship in Urban Studies
Urban Studies at the University of Basel is rooted in disciplinary approaches of architecture, geography, anthropology, social and political theory, and history, and oriented towards global Southern and postcolonial questions. With a regional focus on Africa, Europe,...