AA Women and Architecture in Context 1917-2017 (London, 2-4 November 2017)

AA XX 100 is the project to commemorate the centenary of women’s admission to the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London in 1917. To date it has comprised a raft of complementary enterprises including an annual lecture series and an ongoing programme to conduct filmed interviews with AA alumnae. The project culminates in autumn 2017 with an exhibition (6th October – 5th November 2017), a book (Breaking the Mould: AA Women in Architecture 1917-2017) and an international conference (AA Women and Architecture in Context 1917-2017) convened in collaboration with the Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art.
We now announce the Call for Papers for the conference, AA Women in Architecture 1917-2017, which will take place between 2nd and 4th November 2017 at the AA and the Paul Mellon Centre in Bedford Square, London, W.C.1.
We invite researchers and architects to submit proposals for 20-minute papers in response to the themes listed below. Submissions are encouraged from people at all stages of their careers, and papers should be understood as not confined purely to the AA as subject matter but equally to the wider context of women and architecture across the centenary period. Likewise the themes are not prescriptive and proposals that fall outside them will be considered equally.
Collaborations, Collectives, Couples:
What communal forms of practice did women graduates of architecture take? What were the motivations for this? How do practices operating in this format compare to those with a single, and often starchitect, figurehead?
Education & Educators:
How is the history of architectural education interwoven with women’s entry to the profession? Were there particular schools (in addition to the AA) that facilitated women’s training? Were particular educators of influence on women’s education or women tutors whose work should be celebrated? How do education and strong role models impact on a woman’s trajectory beyond education into the world of practice?
Difference, Diversity, Discrimination:
The profession in the UK is still largely white, middle-class and male; has this always been the case? Are there are countries where a different scenario prevails? How might practice and history be re-worked to disrupt this ‘norm?
The future of gender:
Are there new models for practice emerging in the 21st century? How do emerging ideas such as the non-binary, gender fluid relate to practice today and into the future? What is the change that we would like to see in the profession going forward in terms of equality, new forms of practice and identity?
People, Projects, Places:
Are there particular practitioners whose work is worthy of reappraisal? Are there particularly significant projects, which were directed by women practitioners? Or commissioned by significant women as clients? Were and are there particular arena which have facilitated women’s practice as architects, historians (or related fields).
In addition, proposals are invited for posters which will be displayed at the Paul Mellon Centre for the duration of the conference. The theme for these is ‘solutions.’ What solutions do you propose that could enhance the future of women in architecture (practice and history).
Paper proposals should be 300 words in length; please include contact details, affiliation and a brief CV.
Proposals should be for an A3 poster, outlining its topic and theme in a description of up to 250 words; please include contact details, affiliation and a brief CV.
Both should be emailed to: AAXX100conference@aaschool.ac.uk
Deadline: 12 December 2016.
Successful applicants will be notified no later than January 2017.
Speakers are expected to cover their own costs for travel and accommodation but will have free entry to the conference.

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