CfP: The Meaning of Europe / Special Collection of Architectural Histories



Countries visited by EAHN since its foundation (highlighted in blue)

Call for Papers: Special Collection of Architectural Histories

 On the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the EAHN, we invite scholars to join us in rethinking some of our founding questions: how might the inextricable ties between knowledge and geopolitics be interpreted? And how can we unpack the significance of “Europe” for our scholarly domain today?

Within architectural history we have witnessed Europe cede its position as intellectual hub to North America.  But in an increasingly global world, we ask how new distributions of power are currently affecting the production of architectural knowledge.

For this anniversary special collection of our journal Architectural Histories, we invite position papers of up to 3000 words (footnotes and references included) that address these historiographical questions.

Details of the call, and the remit of papers invited, can be found HERE.

Please send abstracts (500 words) to the Editor in Chief by 31 December 2016.

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