Harry Ransom Center Research Fellowships, 2017-2018.
The Harry Ransom Center, an internationally renowned humanities research library and museum at The University of Texas at Austin, invites applications for its 2017-2018 research fellowships. More than 50 fellowships will be awarded for projects that require substantial on-site use of the Ransom Center’s collections, supporting research in all areas of the humanities including literature, photography, film, art, the performing arts, music, and cultural history.
The application deadline for 2017-2018 fellowships is November 15, 2016, 5 p.m. CST.
The 2017-2018 fellowships will support research visits that will take place during the period June 1, 2017 – August 31, 2018.
For details and application instructions, visit: http://budurl.com/utup
Questions about the fellowship program or application instructions may be directed to ransomfellowships@utexas.edu.
Lecturer, Ph.D. Position/Assistantship, and Postdoctoral Fellowship in Urban Studies
Urban Studies at the University of Basel is rooted in disciplinary approaches of architecture, geography, anthropology, social and political theory, and history, and oriented towards global Southern and postcolonial questions. With a regional focus on Africa, Europe,...