Phyllis Lambert Seminar: Architects (re)search. School of architecture, Université de Montréal. 5/11/2016

Phyllis Lambert Seminar, School of architecture, Université de Montréal, Fall 2016.
Conception and organisation : Alessandra Ponte
Architects (re)search – Saturday November 5, 2016
The School of Architecture is grateful to Mrs. Phyllis Lambert for her generous donation, which will ensure the future of the Phyllis Lambert Seminars. The theme for this year’s seminar is inspired by her actions whose focus has always been to define and investigate crucial questions in architecture, and which have found expression in the creation of the major institution promoting advanced forms of research, the Canadian Centre for Architecture.
Speakers: Salmaan Craig, Graduate School of Design, Harvard University • Jane Hutton, School of Architecture, University of Waterloo Cambridge (Ontario) • Robert Somol, School of Architecture, University of Illinois – Chicago  (UIC) • Mario Carpo, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College, London • Jenny Sabin, Sabin Design Lab, AAP, Cornell University, Ithaca • Michael Hensel, Institute of Architecture, AHO, Oslo • Georges Teyssot, École d’architecture, Université Laval, Québec.
Respondents : Denis Bilodeau, Université de Montréal • Giovanna Borasi, Centre Canadien d’Architecture, Montréal • Samuel Bernier-Lavigne, École d’architecture, Université Laval, Québec • Christina Contandriopoulos, Département d’Histoire de l’art, UQAM, Montréal
The full synopsis and program of the seminar can be downloaded here.

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