Architectural History Journal, published by Cambridge University Press, is seeking book reviews
Reviews need to be between 700-1000 words and submitted in early 2017. Please contact Book Review Editor Dr Jessica Kelly, for details.
Reviewers are sought for the following titles:
- Neo Georgian Architecture 1880-1970 by Julian Holder and Elizabeth McKellar
- Scotland’s Homes fit for Heroes: Garden City influences on Scotland’s working class housing, 1900-1939 by Lou Rosenberg
- Urban Redevelopment and Modernity in Liverpool and Manchester 1918-1939 by Charlotte Wildman
- Times of Creative Destruction: Shaping buildings and Cities in the late 20th century by Alexander Tzonis, Liane Lefaivre
- Demolishing Whitehall: Leslie Martin, Harold Wilson and the Architecture of White Heat, by Adam Sharr and Stephen Thornton
- Mr Barry’s War: Rebuilding the Houses of Parliament after the Great Fire of 1834 by Caroline Shentons