CFP: Volume: Reception and Transformation of Ancient Sea Power

CFP: Volume: Reception and Transformation of Ancient Sea Power
Deadline: Nov 30, 2016
In addition to the papers presented at the conference ‘Thalassokratographie: Rezeption und Transformation antiker Seeherrschaft’ held in Berin in May 2015, further contributions to a volume in the series ‘Transformationen der Antike’ (de Gruyter) are welcome.
The papers should adhere to the approach outlined in the full call for papers and treat one of the following topics:
The reception of ancient sea power:
– in architecture
– as part of monuments or fountains
– in the visual arts, esp. in paintings
– in music
– in literature, esp. historical novels
– in the naming of ships
– in film, theatre and opera
– in modern mass media.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words and a short CV should be sent before 30 November 2016 to
Those who submitted an abstract will be informed within two weeks whether or not their proposals have been accepted. Final versions of accepted papers should then be submitted by 31 March 2017.
Christian Wendt ( and Hans Kopp ( will be glad to answer any questions you might have.

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