CONFERENCE: Aesthetics of Mathematics – Mathematics of Aesthetics
Mendrisio, 19-20 May 2017
The Swiss Society for Cultural Theory and Semiotics (SSCS) together with the Institute for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture (ISA) at the Academy of Architecture is is pleased to announce its annual conference (conception: Prof. Dr. Sonja Hildebrand, ISA/SSCS). The conference will investigate the manifold reflections of modern mathematics found since the 18th century in the literary, artistic, and architectural theory and practice. The displacement of euclidean geometry by algebra as a leading discipline of mathematics has posed fundamental questions about the “ontological status” of the number. For the arts, this presented a conceptual challenge, and simultaneously generated new creative potential, which will be explored on this occasion. Furthermore, the conference will also address the aesthetic dimensions of mathematical concepts. Speakers with the background in art and architectural history, as well as literary studies and history of mathematics will come together to reflect the interdisciplinary approach of the event. The conference is generously supported by the Swiss Academy of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Palazzo Canavée (aula C3.89), Accademia di architettura, USI, Viale Canvée 5, Mendrisio.
The full conference programme is available here.