Call for Papers: The Other City, History and image of urban diversity: places and landscapes of privileges and welfare, of seclusion, discomfort and multiculturalism. Naples, 25-27 October 2018
In modern and contemporary history, the city has taken account of social ‘otherities’, namely of privileged classes, minorities, foreigners and immigrants, and of resulting cultural and religious diversity. The urban community has structured some parts of its fabric as places of political, military or class power, other parts as spaces for arrivals, for production and trade, but also for isolation, marginalization or remedy for catastrophe.
In the modern age, the image of the ‘other’ city’ is often falsified or even denied by rulers and powerful people for purposes of political appearance or propaganda; and if, between the seventeenth and twentieth century, new methods of representation can reveal the structure and the urban landscape in their objectivity, the city portrait still shows the contradictions of a community that sometimes includes or even enhances the diversities, other times rejects them, betraying the malaise of a difficult integration.
The full call for papers with information about the conference sessions is available here.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 January 2018 (Italian/English, max 1.000 characters, blanks included).