CONF: Women Architects and Politics in the long 20th Century. Frankfurt-am-Main, 17–19 January 2018

CONFERENCE: Women Architects and Politics in the long 20th Century. Frankfurt-am-Main, 17–19 January 2018

Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM)

The conference will be held at the DEUTSCHES ARCHITEKTURMUSEUM (DAM) as part of the current exhibition, FRAU ARCHITEKT. Over 100 years of Women Architects 1907 – today. The exhibition will be open until 8th March 2018.
Politics, and especially gender politics, were animating forces in the 20th century. Many women navigated modernity by defining a place for themselves in professional work and embracing politics — sometimes even extreme positions. The symposium explores how women architects confronted such upheaval to question traditional gender roles and to forge a place for themselves in architecture. Today women have established themselves in this profession and now comprise the majority of architecture students. The following questions arise: How did politics impact the rise of the “modern woman architect”? And, how has feminism in the last 40 years impacted the writing of architectural history?
More information and the full programme of the conference can be found here.
Speakers and moderators include: Hilde Heynen, Irene Nierhaus, Mary McLeod, Despina Stratigakos, Karl Kiem, Ines Weizman, SIgal Davidi, Edina Meyer-Maril, Kathleen James Chakroborty, Eliana Perotti, Katja Frey, Helena Mattsson, Mariann Simon, Lynne Walker, Elizabeth Darling, Harriett Harriss, Ruth Morrow, Sandra Schuster, Torsten Lange, Elke Krasny, Carsten Ruhl, Wolfgang Voigt, Kerstin Renz, Annette Krapp, Tanja Scheffler and Regina Stephan.
Contact: Christina Budde,

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