EDUCATION: Palladio and Mantua. Palladio Museum, 30 August – 5 September 2018

EDUCATION: Palladio and Mantua. Palladio Museum, 30 August – 5 September 2018

Palladio Museum, Centro Internazionale di Studi di Architettura Andrea Palladio

In 2018, the historical annual course on Palladio’s architecture will be dedicated to “Palladio and Mantua” (30 August – 5 September 2018).
Now in its sixtieth edition, since 1958 the Palladian course has attracted over 7,000 architectural historians, architects, engineers, art historians and students from over 50 countries to the Veneto region.
The participants on the seven-day course, are offered the opportunity to visit almost all of Andrea Palladio’s works in Vicenza, Venice and the Veneto. This year, they will also spend two days in Mantua in the company of experts, visiting the works that exercised the greatest influence over Palladio’s architecture.
The programme of the course is accessible here.
Deadline for requesting financial assistance: 2 May 2018.
Deadline for requesting admission: 20 August 2018.

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