CfP: Identities and the Cities: Urban Transformations, Transition and Change in Urban Image Construction. Lucca, 14-15 June 2018

Call for Papers: Identities and the Cities: Urban Transformations, Transition and Change in Urban Image Construction. Lucca, 14-15 June 2018

The panel is part of the 7th Euroacademia International Conference ‘Identities and Identifications: Politicized Uses of Collective Identities’018, Lucca, Italy
If interested in participating and presenting in the conference, please read the complete event details on the conference website and apply on-line. Alternatively you can send a maximum 300 words abstract together with the details of your affiliation until 7 May 2018 by e-mail at
The full synopsis of the call for papers and possible topics of discussion are available here.

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