CONFERENCE: The Cultural Heritage of Europe @ 2018 – Re-assessing a Concept – Re-defining its Challenges. Paris, 4-5 June 2018

CONFERENCE: The Cultural Heritage of Europe @ 2018 – Re-assessing a Concept – Re-defining its Challenges. Paris, 4-5 June 2018

The “Cultural Heritage of Europe” @ 2018: Towards a Global and Transcultural Approach
The global and transcultural turn in the disciplines of art and architectural history and cultural heritage studies helps to question the supposed fixity of territorial, aesthetic and artistic entity called “Europe”, more precisely the taxonomies, values and explanatory modes that have been built into the “European” concept of cultural heritage and that have taken as universal.
By taking into consideration the recent processes of the accelerated exchange and global circulation of people, goods and ideas, the conference aims to reconstitute the old-fashioned units of analysis of what “European cultural heritage” could be by locating the European and the non-European in a reciprocal relationship in order to evolve a non-hierarchical and broader conceptual framework.
The programme of the event is available here, and on the conference webpage.

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