AWARD: Annual Prize Of The Bruno Zevi Foundation for A Historical-Critical Essay On Architecture

AWARD: Annual Prize Of The Bruno Zevi Foundation for A Historical-Critical Essay On Architecture

With a view to developing and disseminating the teaching of Bruno Zevi and his method of critical and historical inquiry, The Bruno Zevi Foundation is holding an international competition to award a prize for a historical-critical essay offering an original analysis of an architectural work or theme or an architect of the past or present. The competition is open to PhD researchers with experience in these fields:
–­  the key role of space in architecture;
–­  the ancient sources of the modern language;
–­  history as methodology of architectural practice;
–­  the modern language of architecture;
–­  landscape and the zero-degree language of architecture.
Essays published previously are not eligible. The languages admitted are Italian, English and French. The prize consists of the publication of the essay and in the invitation to give a lecture on the occasion of the award.
In this twelfth edition the member of the jury are: Roberto Dulio, Marzia Marandola, Lucy Maulsby, David Rifkind, Elena Tinacci.
Those wishing to enter for the competition are required to provide the Bruno Zevi Foundation with all the documents required by no later than 10 September 2018 (as attested by postmark).
Competition rules and application form are available here.

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