EVENT: Symposium: Redefining the Social in Architecture. London, 21 June 2018

EVENT: Symposium: Redefining the Social in Architecture. London, 21 June 2018

ICA, Institute of Contemporary Arts, London

This symposium invites select speakers and CHASE PhD students to discuss their new and evolving research into topics of the social in architectural practice and theory. Building upon a series of related public events and closed discussions, this symposium expands to include themes of responsibility and collaboration. Research and presentation topics range from historical housing projects to critical engagement with ethics and participatory interactions with spaces.
For more information and for reserving a place visit here.

  • 1:30 Introduction
  • 1:45 Ben Highmore, The possibilities of democratic space: the adventure playground movement
  • 2:05 Jack O’Connor, Locating the ‘social’ in post-war British architecture
  • 2:20 Robert Deakin, On the idea of a ‘brutalist ethics’
  • 2:35 Open discussion

2:50 Break

  • 3:05 Katharina Borsi, Housing, type, the urban and the social
  • 3:25 Yasmin Modood, Reframing dynamics of the spatio-visual and spatiotemporal in the walking practices of Tate Modern visitors
  • 3:40 Alistair Cartwright, Architecture as regulation: the London County Council (LCC) ‘High Fire Risk’ inspection programme and home safety displays, 1958–63
  • 3:55 Open discussion

4:10 Break

  • 4:20 Jane Rendell, Home-work displacements: ethics as critical spatial practice
  • 4:40 Joshua Y Barbo, Material dialogue in socially engaged art
  • 4:55 Miloš Kosec, Elemental interpassivity: outsourcing the social from architecture
  • 5:10 Open discussion

Following the Symposium, a talk by Mabel O. Wilson on Provisional Demos: The Spatial Agency and Tent Cities takes place in the ICA Cinema.

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