CfP: Distance Looks Back. Sydney, 10-13 July 2019

Call for Papers: Distance Looks Back. Sydney, 10-13 July 2019

A Thematic Conference of the European Architectural History Network, held in conjunction with the 36thAnnual Conference of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ)
University of Sydney, School of Architecture, Design and Planning

Convened by Andrew Leach and Lee Stickells
Distance is both conceptual and actual. It is overcome or exploited in all manner of ways that have consequences for the history of architecture. It is fostered in the critical attitude. And collapsed when history is invoked in the present. It shapes the relationship of Europe to its Antipodes, as well as of Europe to its neighbours. Its presence is necessary for claims upon disciplinarity; its absence, the dissolution of disciplinary boundaries. In what ways has distance figured in the history of architecture? What has it altered? What has it prevented? What has it allowed? What does it permit, even now?
This theme opens the door to questions of representation and communication in the history of architecture; questions of travel and migration; and of the mobility of expertise, institutions and ideas. As a lens, distance allows us to reflect on the construction of identity in and through architectural works both defined as such (Architects and Architecture) and “grey”. It invites us to consider moments of counterpoint, imaging or critique. It provokes us to clarify, recalibrate, expose, suppress, or legitimise. Works, projects, architects and other agents in the conceptualisation and construction of architecture, cities and landscapes are, from a remove, perceived on terms different from the immediate and the close. Artefacts and ideas subjected to distance acquire something of this perspective, whether they are physically moved or subject to representation at a remove. Distance can be inconvenient; and useful.
The full call for papers is available here.
Abstracts of no more than 300 words in length (accompanied by 80-word biographical notes) may be submitted by email as Word documents: Please name the email subject ABSTRACT-SURNAME and use this name for your submission file as well. Full papers will be subject to peer review, with papers published after the conference in an online volume of the Proceedings of SAHANZ.
Key dates:
1 November 2018   abstract deadline
1 March 2019   submission of full papers for review
14 June 2019   submission of final papers for publication

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