CfP: Scaffolds. Open Encounters With Society, Art And Architecture. International Symposium. Brussels, 22-23 November 2018

Call for Papers: Scaffolds. Open Encounters With Society, Art And Architecture. International Symposium. Brussels, 22-23 November 2018
Two events organized in synergy, providing the chance to link an academic event with a day of lectures and discussion open to the broader public.
The symposium aims at creating a place for sharing and discussion on research in architecture and urbanism, artistic practice and studio pedagogy. It does so by reflecting upon epistemological and cognitive strategies and tools used in understanding and shaping our space, from the immediate human body and its extensions to the territory. As such, the symposium proposes to explore theoretical, practical and ethical connections that link our ways-of-knowing with the ways-of-doing to be desired for a common future.
The overall theme “Scaffolds – Open Encounters” seeks to enable constructive dialogue between disciplines, educators, students, practitioners, researchers, educational bodies, local communities and curating institutions. The symposium is organized by ALICE lab, an architectural design and research unit at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, with the collaboration of Metrolab Brussels (ULB-UCL), the Research Laboratory for Architecture Theory and the Philosophy of Technics at the Technische Universität Wien, the Chair of Public Building from the Faculty of Architecture and Built Environment of the Technische Universiteit Delft; and The Faculty of Architecture of KU Leuven.
Taking place in the privileged space of the former Yser Citroën garage and generously hosted by CIVA / KANAL – Centre Pompidou, the symposium aspires to foster future collaboration between different stakeholders and participants.
The symposium will combine keynote lectures, presentation and discussion of individual researches in three open tracks (open to contribution in the form of article presentations), three curated panels, transversal workshops on emerging questions of interest together with some selected artistic interventions.
Participants are invited to submit an abstract (max 300 words) addressed to one of the three proposed tracks for scholarly, scientific and artistic contributions (please see instructions at the end of the section). Abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Selected participants submit their full articles after the symposium, which further follow a process of peer review, and will feature in a scientific publication to appear during 2019.

  1. When Tools become Instruments: Masterful Articulations in Architecture and the Arts. Chair: Michael Doyle, ATTP, TU Wien; Diana Alvarez-Marin, CAAD, ETH Zürich.
  2. City, Civility and Post-Political. Models of Freedom and Conflict. Chair: Selena Savic ATTP, TU Wien.
  3. Cognitive and sensory strategies for understanding and shaping our environment, from the room to the territory. Chair: Darío Negueruela ALICE, EPFL, Julien Lafontaine ALICE, EPFL, Leonardo Impett Max-Planck Institut für Kunstgeschichte.

The full call for contributions is accessible here and downloadable here.
Please submit your abstract before 5 October 2018 to:
In your submission, please follow the following instructions:

  • name the subject of the email: scaffolds_submission_your name
  • attach a pdf of your abstract with the name:  scaffolds_submission_accronym of your abstract title.


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