CfP: Think. Design. Build. 2 – Type, Typology and Typogenesis in Architecture. Berlin, 8-9 November 2018

Call for Papers/Doctoral Colloquium: Think. Design. Build. 2 – Type, Typology and Typogenesis in Architecture. Berlin, 8-9 November 2018

The Institute for Architecture is currently organizing an international doctoral colloquium. The doctoral colloquium will be an integral part of the upcoming 2nd International Conference Think. Design. Build. 2 – Type, Typology and Typogenesis in Architecture, which will be held on November 8th and 9th on the campus of the Technical University Berlin. Twenty doctoral students in five small panels will be given the opportunity to present and discuss their research findings with the distinguished scholars of the conference who will chair the five panels.
Excerpt from the conference description: Type, Typology, and Typogenesis in Architecture will address the process of type formation in contemporary architecture and urban design. The conference’s topic is more based on the notion of typology as the process of type formation, or typogenesis, and less on the common understanding of typology in terms of specific orders, classifications, uses and forms. Until recently, type formation was considered slow and evolutionary; the creative friction between the settings of existing buildings and new usage requirements has change the process of typogenesis considerably. Today, typogenesis no longer seems to be an evolutionary optimization process, but is a disruptive-revolutionary process of reinterpreting the existing. With a focus on type, typology and typogenesis, the conference will critically examine the three knowledge practices: thinking (concept/word), designing (drawing/model), and building (material/structure) in terms of their respective mediality, modes of action, and knowledge potential, as well as the correlation between these three levels of knowledge production.
PhD candidates of the field of architecture, architectural theory and history, art theory and history, cultural studies, and sociology are invited to submit a 300 word abstract, in either English or German. The topics submitted should correspond to one of the three panels: think (concept/word), design (drawing/model), and build (material/structure).
Accommodation will be provided; travel expenses must be paid for by participants.
For more information:
Please send your application (abstract + CV) to:
September 10, 2018                 Deadline for submitting application
September 20, 2018                  Notification of acceptance
November 9, 2018                    Presentation and discussion

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