CfP: learning through practice: the aae conference 2019. London, 24-26 April 2019

Call for Papers: learning through practice: the aae conference 2019. London, 24-26 April 2019

The fifth international peer reviewed conference of the Association of Architectural Educators will be hosted by the University of Westminster on 24-26 April 2019.
The conference aims to invite contributions from educators, researchers and architectural practitioners on the theme of contexts for learning architectural practice, and how the nature of these contexts shape the nature of form of the learning itself.
The conference will be a place to reflect on the value of studio-based practice for both student and professional practitioner, to examine the role of workplace located learning, to share knowledge of current and past radical or alternative models, and to speculate on future forms of architectural education.
The conference is inviting three types of contribution: peer reviewed papers, reporting from professional practice, and proposals to run a conference discussion or debate panel. (see the full call for papers here).
The aim is to offer a range of fora to encourage dialogue between the authors of scholarly research, reflective contributions from architectural practitioners and, through themed debates as an adjunct to the presentation of research papers,  be organised and structured to encourage both peripheral and central participation by architectural practitioners.
Peer Reviewed Papers. Contributors are invited to submit a 500 word Abstract in response to the conference aims and themes of reflection, innovation and speculation. The Abstract may include images (maximum one page). Selection of the Abstracts will be via double blind peer review and successful contributors will then be invited to develop Full Draft Papers for submission and subsequent presentation at the Conference (2000 words). Papers selected will be allocated a 20-minute slot for their presentation at a chaired session that will include time for discussion. Deadline for submission of Abstracts: 12 December 2018
Reporting from Practice. Contributors are invited to submit a 300 word Abstract in response to the conference aims and themes. The Abstract may include images (maximum one page). The specific focus of this section is to encourage contributions from researchers, architects and practitioners in the field as a space for informed reflection on:

  • researching in the field,
  • the creation of alternative learning environments,
  • creating space for reflective practice.

Selection of the Abstracts will be via double blind peer review and successful contributors will then be invited to present their reports at the Conference. Contributors will be invited to submit their  Full Papers after the Conference for inclusion  in the online ISBN published Conference Proceedings (max 2000 words). Deadline for submission of Abstracts: 12 Dec 2018
Proposals for Discussion/Debate. Contributors are invited to submit a Proposal for a panel Discussion or Debate in response to the conference aims and themes. The Proposal should be no more than 500 words in total and can include images. The Proposal should include the following:

  1. details of the issue for discussion or debate,
  2. participants to be invited,
  3. format of the event itself.

Discussion or debate sessions will be allocated 45 minutes in the conference schedule. The specific focus of this section is to encourage lively discussion on the current state of architectural education, perspectives from professional practice, and space for marginalised voices (students, graduates, allied professions and support professionals from practice and academia). The contributors will be invited to minute the debates and submit a summary for the published Conference Proceedings (max 2000 words). Deadline for submission: 18 Jan 2019.

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