CfP: AHRA PhD Student Symposium. Manchester, 24-25 April 2019

CfP: AHRA PhD Student Symposium. Manchester, 24-25 April 2019

The Architectural Humanities Research Association Research Student Symposium 2019 takes as its starting point a broad and prolonged transition occurring in architectural research during the past decade. New and interdisciplinary approaches emerge as a result of our world’s socio-political and techno-ecological transformations towards relational, processual “architectural research.” These changes move away from descriptions and interpretations of a static formal “Architecture” focused on particular buildings and architects.
Following this interdisciplinary and processual turn, the 2019 AHRA PhD student symposium aims to bring together architectural researchers who work towards re-writing and re-drawing traditional notions of essence, fixity, boundedness, and flatness. We are interested in architectural research that:

  • follows people, buildings, infrastructures, non-humans, landscapes, and materials.
  • traces the ecological, the technical, the spatial, the temporal, the political, the economic, and the historical.
  • stimulates thinking and action across scales, forms, and collectives.

The symposium invites contributions from a variety of fields with an aim to discuss and explore adequate ways of narrating and re-presenting the extended spectrum of architectural operations.
Submissions of proposals for academic papers and methods workshops are welcome from all backgrounds and nationalities. Applicants must be registered as current PhD students at the time of application. Please see details on the “Call for Papers” tab. Deadline for submissions 28 January 2019. Applications to participate in the Methods Workshops will be announced later.
For more information please visit this page.

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