CfP: The City as a Commons. Pavia, 2–4 September 2019

Call for Papers: The City as a Commons. Pavia, 2–4 September 2019

The 2019 edition of the Research Symposium aims at investigating the notion of Urban Commons and their spatial unfolding in relationship to the City. Taking into consideration the wider debate on Commons and its relevance to several disciplines (economics, geography, law, architecture, planning, etc.), the event aims at focusing on urban commons and broader spatial implications, both in terms of spatial practices and design agencies.
The Symposium will bring together scholars and experts to share theoretical and practical agendas, including best practices and outcomes from live case studies. We welcome contributions from scholars as well as practitioners and activists.
The research symposium aims at investigating the notion of Urban Commons and their spatial unfolding in relationship to the City. Taking into considerations the wider debate on Commons and its relevance to several disciplines (economics, geography, law, etc.), the symposium will focus on their spatial implications, in terms of theoretical agenda, case studies, spatial practices and design agencies.
The full call for papers with the full synopsis of the the symposium and the possible themes for contributions is available here.
The symposium welcomes contributions from a wide range of disciplines, and perspectives including academics, practitioners, artists, activists, etc.
All papers must be original and not previously submitted to other journals or conferences. The following types of submission are welcome: papers, oral/visual presentations and posters. All submissions types will be subject to peer review.
Abstracts (textual) should not exceed 500 words and must be submitted in English. Authors should upload also a PDF version with title, abstract, keywords. A short biography of the authors (100 words) is welcome and does not count towards the overall word count. PDF files may include visual elements (and non-textual elements in general).
All submissions are managed through the EasyChair conference management system at the following link:
Submissions will only be accepted through Easychair.
Abstract submission deadline: 15 May 2019
More information is available on the symposium website.
The event is jointly organised by the University of Pavia and the University of Huddersfield, through the ‘Alter Urban Transformations’ research Lab (Pavia), the Centre for Urban Design, Architecture and Sustainability (CUDAS), the Urban Futures and Design Lab (Huddersfield).

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