CfP: Ville et architecture: des relations conflictuelles? Paris, 5-6 December 2019

Call for Papers: Ville et architecture: des relations conflictuelles? Paris, 5-6 December 2019

Représentations, théories, pratiques, héritages (XIXe-XXe siècle)
In European and American cities of the 19th and 20th centuries, what are the relationships between architecture and the city? The multiple points of view are shared between those who speak of an analogical relationship, on the Albertian model of “the city as a big house, the house as a small town”, and those who assert a consummate rupture between city and architecture. This is the case of Bernard Huet in his manifesto article “L’architecture contre la ville” (1986), and Françoise Choay in the famous text “Le règne de l’urbain et la mort de la ville” (1994). Still others think of the city as a system of accumulation of objects, such as Andrea Branzi or Rem Koolhaas, or in fusion with its architecture. This last idea is developed by Jaap Bakema in his definition of “architecturbanisme”, as well as by Kenneth Frampton and Reyner Banham.
The 2019 study days aim at investigating the relationship between architecture and the city through several disciplines (architecture, history of art, urban planning, social sciences, philosophy, etc…), focusing on the representations, the theories, the practices and the heritage.
The study days are organized by Andrés Avila Gómez, Fanny Bocklandt, Nicole Cappellari and Pauline Tékatlian, PhD students in History of Architecture at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the professor Jean-Philippe Garric (University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, HiCSA). They are hosting at the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the Cité de Chaillot in Paris on the 5th and the 6th of December.
The full call for papers with the full synopsis of the the symposium and the possible themes for contributions is available here.
The study days are open to PhD student and postdoctoral students.
Proposals must include an abstracts of 2500 characters and a short biography of the authors. Accepted languages include French and English. Presentations should not exceed 20 minutes.
Proposals will be reviewed by a scientific committee.
Abstract submission deadline: 10 June 2019 at the e-mail:
A limited number of scholarships are available on request for those whose laboratories could not cover the cost of travel.
An online publication project is planned at the end of these study days, bringing together all the contributions

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