EVENT: Summer School: Summer School ‘Visualizing the Architecture Competition as Contact Zone’. Zürich, 4-10 September 2019

EVENT: Summer School: Summer School ‘Visualizing the Architecture Competition as Contact Zone’. Zürich, 4-10 September 2019

ETH Zurich, Chair for the History and Theory of Urban Design (prof. dr. Tom Avermaete)
One of the research tracks in the Chair of the History and Theory of Urban Design (Prof. Avermaete) at ETH Zürich departs from the hypothesis that the study of urban design is characterized by certain biases that have caused “blind spots” in the theorisation and historiography of the discipline. Concerned with detecting and addressing such theoretical and historical terrain vague, the Chair is organizing a summer school in which we will explore the ‘contact zone’ as a new methodological tool to better understand the global-ness of architecture production. Our case study to test this concept is an international ideas competition originating in Japan.
For one full week students work in a real exhibition venue (gta Exhibitions) to theorize the contact zone as an intense encounter between different architecture cultures. Simultaneously, students are challenged to develop their own conceptual exhibition model and creatively use the exhibition space to visualize the contact zone of the architecture competition to its full potential.
This 7-day summer school is open to both students of ETH Zürich and international students (maximum 15 students) and will be entirely taught in English. The target group is upper-level Bachelor’s and Master’s students with a strong interest in research by design. Students are expected to participate in all research exercises, workshops and group discussions, and play a proactive role in the visualization of the theoretical concept offered.
Tuition is €100 per person. 2 ECTS credits.
Students interested in the course have to send a 200-word motivation and a 2-page CV (incl. language skills) to cathelijne.nuijsink@gta.arch.ethz.ch by 15 July 2019.
Successful applicants will be notified no later than 20 July 2019.
For more information, see https://avermaete.arch.ethz.ch/events
Deadline for application: 15 July 2019

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