CONFERENCE: Shifting Values – Processes, Strategies and Conflicts in the Built Environment. Cottbus, 25-27 September 2019

Conference: Shifting Values – Processes, Strategies and Conflicts in the Built Environment. Cottbus, 25-27 September 2019

Interdisciplinary colloquium organised by the DFG Research Training Group 1913 Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings
Valuating the built environment is always part of a process of valuation influenced by political, economic and social circumstances. With the fifth interdisciplinary colloquium at BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, the Research Training Group 1913 Cultural and Technological Significance of Historic Buildings will focus specifically on the changing valuation of the built environment.
Ever since antiquity, negotiating values has been part of philosophy and, with the advent of capitalisation of the modern world, theories of valuation have been discussed explicitly since the 19th century. Generally, values can be defined as something, which “for various reasons is being singled out from reality and presents itself as desireable and necessary for him, who valuates” (P. Baran, 1990).
Values direct human behaviour, which is always oriented towards the future and therefore imbued with uncertainty. Valuation bridges the gap between knowledge and action. Planning processes in particular are always linked to valuation, because they are directed towards the future and values are fundamental for the necessary decision making processes. At the same time, preservation and adaptation of built structures are based on long-existing patterns of thinking and deeply ingrained value systems. Phenomena of shifting values can be observed when planning from scratch, when changing existing structures, during renovation and structural reinforcement.
At the interdisciplinary colloquium, processes of value appropriation, value internalisation and the (individual) formation of values will be discussed using specific examples from construction and planning history. These processes can range from antiquity to the present time and should be discussed using an interdisciplinary approach. The colloquium would like to specifically engage disciplines such as archeology, architecture, construction history, architectural conservation, engineering, art history, sociology of space, urban and regional planning.
The conference participation is free.
Please register at: until 24 September 2019.
The poster with the conference programme can be downloaded here.
More information is available at this link.
Venue: BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg, Zentralcampus, Konrad-Wachsmann-Allee 8, (LG 2D), 03046 Cottbus

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