CfP: Precarious housing, health and wellbeing. Global Discourse, volume 11, issue 3

Call for papers: Precarious housing, health and wellbeing. Global Discourse, volume 11, issue 3

Edited by Kelly Greenop ( and Johanna Brugman Alvarez (, School of Architecture, The University of Queensland
Housing is amongst the most fundamental of human needs. Housing is enshrined as one of the universal rights to which all humans are entitled, and is correlated with the standards of residents’ health, education, mobility, safety, social connection and overall wellbeing. Nonetheless, housing has reduced in quality, affordability and availability over recent decades enabling a crisis across the globe. In cities around the world, housing has become a means of parking excess global capital, resulting in its use value as shelter for citizens becoming a secondary, and often unfulfilled objective. Particular groups are vulnerable within these changed settings – young adults, children, University students, disabled people, slum dwellers, Indigenous peoples, refugees and migrant populations, and older single women and men. Most of these vulnerable groups experience housing precariousness of some sort including overcrowding, lack of basic services, exposure to landslides and other natural disasters, unaffordable mortgage and rent repayments, debt, insecurity of tenure, domestic violence, limited and inappropriate housing types and design, and isolation. Housing precariousness is then correlated with people’s physical, emotional and mental health and well-being and directly impacts on collective efforts to create sustainable and just cities such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This issue will draw together analyses of various modalities of housing precariousness experienced by vulnerable groups in the global North and South, in which the impacts on the specific population groups’ health and wellbeing, informal and formal strategies used by these groups to adapt and improve housing, health and well-being outcomes, and governance approaches to remedy the structural causes of this issue, are key topics. Specific issues for examination include:

  • Young adults
  • Older women
  • People with disabilities
  • Indigenous peoples
  • Refugees and migrants
  • Low income groups/social housing
  • Global South (disasters and climate change)

Submission instructions and deadlines. Abstracts of 400 words: 1 February 2020. Articles (solicited on the basis of review of abstracts): 1 July 2020. Publication: Summer 2021
Instructions for authors. Please submit by email all abstracts and articles to Johanna Brugman Alvarez (
Further details:

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