CfP: Design Commons: Practices, Processes and Crossovers

Call for Contributions: Design Commons: Practices, Processes and Crossovers

Co-Editors: Gerhard Bruyns (School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and Stavros Kousoulas (Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology)
The goal of the series is to provide a platform for publishing state of the art research on foundational issues in design and its applications in industry and society. Suitable topics range from methodological issues in design research to philosophical reflections on the specificities of design rather than actual design work or empirical cases only. The definition of design behind the series is inclusive. In terms of disciplines, it ranges from engineering to architecture. In terms of design work, it ranges from conceptual issues in design through design experiments and prototypes to evaluative studies of design and its foundations.
Thematic outline. This edited collection aims to develop the link between the commons/commoning and the design of alternative potential realities. The link between the commons and design warrants further expansion, addressing design thinking, and other possible streams currently operative in the fields of practice and theory.
Why this publication on ‘Design Commons’?
This book collects papers on the topic of commoning in design. The word ‘commoning’ derives from the wider concept of the ‘commons’, a term that has deep philosophical and theoretical roots, dating back to the ideas of Plato and Thomas Hobbes (cf Leviathan 2017). In the contemporary sense the mechanisation of commoning as operative concept provides the foundation of an ‘other’ socioeconomic model within the public sector. Its echoing effect has led to the fusion of the concept with a variety of design domains as for example game design and game theory, spatial design and product design.
The full call for contributions with publication synopsis, the possible themes of the papers and instructions for submission is available here.
Deadline for the submissions of 600 words abstracts: 29 February 2020.

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