CfP: The History of Architectural History. Rome, 12-13 May 2020

Call for Papers: The History of Architectural History. Rome, 12-13 May 2020

The genesis of architectural history is a European issue, and even a global one, so, to be analyzed and understood adequately, it is essential to consider the international relations between actors and methods. Up until now this issue has been addressed only by discrete individual studies, focusing on one country, or a particular aspect. This project intends to propose a comparative research method that questions the historiographical evolution in different countries, simultaneously observing their attitude towards their heritage, and their relationships with other countries. Through this same historiographical method we wish to reconstruct the sequence of the formation of the discipline, from the first pioneer individual studies, up to the construction of an independent sector of studies, founded on a well-defined methodology and precise aim. The affirmation of an identity that is ruled by its own rhythm, deriving from the different intellectual traditions is highlighted by comparing them with each other. This also allows us to understand how this has had an impact on the evolution of the discipline until now.
The conference will be organized in three overlapping sessions that complete each other to give a panoramic wide-ranging view. The social and professional background of architectural historians will be at the core of the first session, as well as the assessment of their different ideological and cultural orientations. The second session will focus on the history of style(s), an issue at the heart of the discipline from its origins and a key element of its evolution. The third session will focus on the way and the extent to which the different national architectural traditions and heritage, that guide both the architectural culture and practice, have interacted in an explicitly international disciplinary context, and the extent to which national differences can still be visible.
The conference is a joint project between EPHE, PSL (Equipe HISTARA), the University of Dresden and the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca and will take place at the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca in Rome under the scientific direction of Sabine Frommel, Henrik Karge and Francesco Moschini from 12 May to 13 May 2020.
Proposals (in English, French or Italian language) can be sent until 15 February 2020 to;;
The call for papers is also available here.

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