CfP: Georgian London Revisited. London, 7 November 2020

Call for Papers: Georgian London Revisited. London, 7 November 2020
The Georgian Group is organising a day-long symposium on ‘Georgian London Revisited’, to be held at the Society of Antiquaries at Burlington House, London, on Saturday 7 November 2020. Following the successful conferences run by the Group in previous years on Women and Architecture, and on the architecture of James Gibbs and the Adam brothers, the symposium will highlight changing perspectives and new research on the architecture of London during the ‘long 18th century’ (c.1660-1830) undertaken since the publication of the 1988 edition of Sir John Summerson’s seminal Georgian London (reissued with amendments by Sir Howard Colvin, 2003). Topics may include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Housing and estate development
  • Public and commercial buildings
  • ‘Improvement’: infrastructure, streets, open spaces, bridges, etc
  • Places of entertainment

With this in mind, proposals are invited for 15-minute papers based on original research. Please send abstracts of no more than 200 words and a copy of your CV to Dr Geoffrey Tyack by 20 March 2020. Any questions regarding the symposium should be sent to the same address.
The call for papers can also be found on the Georgian Group website.

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