CfP: Giancarlo De Carlo: Master of the Resistance. Cambridge, 20 April 2020

Call for Papers: Giancarlo De Carlo: Master of the Resistance. Cambridge, 20 April 2020

The Martin Centre for Architectural and Urban Studies. Department of Architecture – University of Cambridge
In 1993, when Giancarlo De Carlo was awarded the Royal Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, Colin St John Wilson described him as ‘the Master of Resistance’ and ‘the most lucid of his generation of architect-philosophers-in-action’. Wilson praised his critical position within the modern movement and suggested that ‘his point of departure lay in the work of Kropotkin and Patrick Geddes and above all perhaps William Morris’.
This Cambridge seminar takes Wilson’s statement as the point of departure in order to discuss both De Carlo’s affinity with the pre-modernist thinkers and resonances in today’s architectural discourse.
A panel of speakers is emerging (see list below). There is still room for further papers or short talks and proposals for contributions of 10 min in length, and participation of young scholars are particularly welcome.
The event forms part of a series of initiatives in Italy and elsewhere which began in 2019, the centennial year of Giancarlo De Carlo’s birth. It aims to create a new dynamic research network on De Carlo’s work. The network will be coordinated by the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca in Rome.
The seminar is open to all, and there is no fee for attendance. The seminar organizers’ are unable to cover speakers’ costs to attend the event, but hope this will not prove to be a disincentive!
Proposals for papers and talks should be sent by 29 February 2020 to Antonello Alici at and
Confirmed speakers now include: John McKean, Antonello Alici, Nicholas Ray, Ellen Rowley, Bethan Watson, Adam Wood, Benedict Zucchi.
This Call for Papers is also available here.

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