Call for Papers: Arch-ademy, Scroope 30, The Cambridge Architecture Journal

CfP: Arch-ademy, Scroope 30, The Cambridge Architecture Journal

Scroope: The Cambridge Architecture Journal is seeking submission for Scroope 30: Arch-ademy. Submissions are encouraged in, but by no means limited to, the following areas and on the following questions:
Architecture in Academia. When Scroope first came out in 1989, the journal was centered around the question of architectural education. The discussion of architectural education has since remained a recurring theme for many of the articles published in the subsequent issues. Thirty issues later, Scroope asks if architectural education has changed, if not developed, in any way at all? Have architectural students today been given the kind of education the earlier generations had asked for? How do we address the ever-ending critique of detachment between architectural education and practice? Are schools of architecture sitting comfortably in Universities?
Design practice of Learning Space. Scroope 30 is seeking submissions that critique, analyse, and reimagine the design practice of learning space. Whether it is a historical account of school architecture, a commentary on ongoing education buildings or a proposal for future developments, Scroope welcomes them all.
Autonomous Learning in the Built Environment. As a matter of fact, learning does not only happen in laboratories, libraries and lecture theatres. Scroope is looking for submissions concerning the learning fostered in everyday life (domestic scale) as well as discussions of the city and the built environment as a wider learning sphere (urban scale).
Scroope accepts submissions in various forms, including scholarly articles, projects, interviews, anecdotes, drawings, and visual statements amongst others.
Submissions should take the form of a 500-word abstract, accompanied by a 100-word biography. Respondents may include a maximum of four images at 300dpi.
Please send submissions to by 30 March 2020 with [Scroope 30 submission] in the subject line. Successful contributors will be notified by late April 2020.

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